Planter .3 (Heal) - Gratitude (Print)
-The Spider weaves together its home, as do I. We gather our intricate beauty and dwell in our creations. Think not of the outcome of the work, like the Spider, think only of how the creation may serve you. – (Inspiration)
The spider resides on a windowsill, tucked away in the artists bedroom, watching the artist wrestle with indecision.
“Just try!” For days, the artist had been admiring the vines of a pothos plant, growing from a bust planter in her room. Fixed in fearful thinking, frozen with indecision, she repeatedly discouraged herself from trying the composition, finding any reason for it to not be enough. “Just try it, it’s enough to try.”
In the days that followed, after the work had begun, she was struck with the sense that she had maneuvered an obstacle course without knowing. She had found her answers without intending to search. By surpassing her fears and doubts with one statement of curiosity, she was free. Just try; see what happens.
Original is Mixed Media (Acrylic, Chrome Pen, Gloss Varnish) on 11”x14” canvas. (Print)