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Resurrection and A Forgiven Wanderer (Sticker)

Resurrection and A Forgiven Wanderer (Sticker)

Resurrection is a being of new life, opportunities, growth, prosperity, and success. The forgiven wanderer is a simple creature of newly found self-compassion, kindness, and self-love. Together they have begun to heal from past faults, traumas, and heartache. Forgiving wrongs and starting anew. Together they have begun to curiously stroll through life as a garden, paving their own winding way. Their accomplishments together have created a perfect environment for a crown of mushrooms to grow; representing safety, prosperity, transformation, personal rebirth, and the recycling of that which has died. Over a long period of exploring and surviving together, lights formed around them to guide their journey, loyal advocates and companions that will never let them linger in darkness or lead them astray. This is the story of a corpse and a frog.


This piece is about my life and artistic journey as of now, when making this piece I have been in New Orleans for 6 months and have been trying to build my art career for two years through other means. It was a slow journey; I truly didn’t know if it would go anywhere. My website sales were slow, my gallery sales were slow, and the only thing keeping me motivated was a belief that I could make it in my dream career one day. There has been a lot of ups and downs in my life, some curve balls, and some straight up gut-wrenching situations, but lately I have been riding a high of thankfulness, bliss, prosperity, and honored awe. I would like to dedicate the emotional impact of this piece to an amazing man in my life, my father. He has stayed by my side and believed in me every second of this journey, starting when I was 4, noticing me trying to practice eyes from YouTube. “Let’s make a frame!” he said, with the little number of things that we had in our home. Thank you for staying and making it to the good part with me! I wouldn’t be who I am without you, I wouldn’t have made it this far, thank you for being my resurrection. Original is mixed media on 30"x40" canvas. (Sticker)

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